Finish You Game Jam Update

Devlog Upodate for Finish Your Game Jam

New Features

Title Screen
There is now a proper title screen with volume settings

Bigger map
Map now much bigger and has a few more sections

New Soundtrack
Added main theme, battle, and pre-boss fight   sound track.
Also walking on rocks now makes different sound than grass!! WOW!

Health and Respawn
Glimmer can now take damage and will respawn when helath depelted

Stamina System
Glimmer consumes energy to dash and attack

Player Status UI
Health and Energy are displayed on bottom right players status UI

Info Popup
Info popups give players important info and a bit of lore.

Shadow Veils
Shadow veils are taps placed on map that will trap glimmer until all enemies inside are defeated

Tentacle Enemy
Similar to previous boss enemy tentacles but is a standalone enemy and has different animations and attack patterns

Shadow Snake Enemy
Work In progress 3D model was made but not yet animated or implemented AI.
MIght be done in time for showcase.

Files 117 MB
Nov 29, 2022

Get Glimmer

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